Here is a list of valuable resources to help farmers keep their families and farms healthy and safe. For additional Covid-19 Resources visit the Covid-19 Resource page by clicking here
New Resources have been developed and are now available!
Biosecurity and Covid-19
- Covid-19 Biosecurity with Farm Visitors Video click here
- A Guide For Safe Visitor Interaction On-Farm click here
This guide offers farmers best practice recommendations for safely interacting with visitors and farm workers on your farm, including pre-screen recommendations, health and safety protocols and a list of additional resources for more information.
Download, print and post this page in your barn as a reminder to all farm visitors to practice Covid-19 health and safety protocols.
Download this printable form for visitors to fill out 24-72 hours before visiting your farm. Keep these signed documents for farm visitor and biosecurity records.
Download, print, and post this sign on a barn door or near the entrance to your farm to remind visitors to self-screen for health symptoms.
*For additional Covid-19 Resources visit the Covid-19 Resource page by clicking here
Biosecurity is the implementation of actions that reduce the chance of introducing or spreading infectious agents that cause animal disease and/or the spread of plant pests. Farm-level biosecurity is about a series of management practices designed to minimize, prevent or control:
- The introduction of infectious pathogens onto a farm;
- Spread within a farm production operation;
- Export of these pathogens beyond the farm, which may have an adverse effect on the economy, the environment, and human health.
OLPC Livestock On-Farm Biosecurity Information Guide (Printable PDF) is available by clicking here and gives examples of how to start on-farm biosecurity.
Biosecurity signs can be ordered at a cost of $20 (shipping costs) by calling the office at 519 836 0043 or email
National Sheep On-Farm Biosecurity Standard
A national sheep on-farm biosecurity standard has been developed and provides the framework and scope for biosecurity planning in the sheep sector in Canada. It establishes a minimum set of biosecurity standards that can be used by sheep farmers in all producing regions.
- Access the standard by clicking here.
- A national sheep producer biosecurity planning guide is also available. Access the guide by clicking here.
National Biosecurity Standard for Livestock, Poultry and Deadstock Transport
A national biosecurity standard for livestock, poultry and deadstock transport, developed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, is available. Click here to learn more about the standard.
Fact Sheets on Dealing with Animals at Large
- Best Practices for Keeping Your Livestock Contained click here
- Dealing with Escaped Livestock in Your Community click here